Test Banking - Chapter 13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Somatic Reflexes

Question # 00627791
Subject: Education
Due on: 08/11/2021
Posted On: 08/11/2021 06:44 AM
Tutorials: 1
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                                  Chapter 13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Somatic Reflexes

True / False Questions

1. Ascending signals in the spinal cord travel via gray matter, while descending signals travel via white matter.

True   False

2. Cervical and lumbar enlargements are wide points in the spinal cord marking the emergence of motor nerves.

True   False

3. Each portion of the spinal cord, from which a spinal nerve emerges, is called a "segment" of the cord. True   False

4. Nerve fibers in a given white matter tract are similar in origin, destination, and function.

True   False

5. Voluntary motor signals typically begin in an upper motor neuron in the thalamus. True   False

6. Most nerves are motor nerves.

True   False

7. A nerve fiber is enclosed in its own fibrous sleeve called perineurium. True   False

8. A ganglion is a swelling along a nerve containing the cell bodies of peripheral neurons.

True   False

9. A dermatome is a nerve innervating a specific region in the skin. True   False

10. Posterior root ganglia contain neurosomas of unipolar neurons.

True   False

11. Somatic reflexes are responses of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. True   False

12. The stretch reflex is the tendency of a muscle to stretch when it is overcontracted. True   False

13. A stretch reflex is often accompanied by reciprocal inhibition.

True   False

14. The tendon reflex is the inhibition of a muscle's contraction that occurs when its tendon isexcessively stretched.

True   False

15. The crossed extension reflex is the contraction of the extensors on one side of the body when the flexors are contracted on the other side.

True   False

Multiple Choice Questions

16. The upper motor neurons that control skeletal muscles begin with a neurosoma in the           .

A. posterior horn of the spinal cord

B. anterior horn of the spinal cord

C. motor association cortex of the cerebrum

D. postcentral gyrus of the cerebrum

E. precentral gyrus of the cerebrum

17. The signals that control your handwriting travel down the spinal cord in the  tracts.

A. tectospinal

B. corticospinal

C. lateral vestibulospinal

D. medial vestibulospinal

E. spinocerebellar

18. Many upper motor neurons synapse with lower motor neurons in the            .

A. posterior horn

B. anterior horn

C. posterior column

D. anterior column

E. posterior root ganglion

19. Which of the following sensory functions involves neurons in the posterior root ganglion?

A. Smell

B. Hearing

C. Touch

D. Taste

E. Vision

20. Which of the following is not considered a region of the spinal cord?

A. Cervical

B. Thoracic

C. Lumbar

D. Pelvic

E. Sacral

21. Which of the following is not a function associated with the spinal cord?

A. Protect neurons in both the ascending and descending tracts

B. Mediate a reflex, such as the withdrawal of a hand from pain

C. Conduct sensory information up to the brain

D. Conduct motor information down the cord

E. Coordinate the alternating contraction of several muscle groups associated with locomotion

22. Which of the following fractures would be the least likely to cause a spinal cord injury?

A. A fracture of vertebra C2

B. A fracture of vertebra C6

C. A fracture of vertebra T5

D. A fracture of vertebra T12

E. A fracture of vertebra L4

23. The structure found between the posterior rootlets and the posterior root ganglion is called the       .

A. anterior horn

B. anterior root of a spinal nerve

C. posterior root of a spinal nerve

D. posterior horn

E. spinal nerve

24. The middle layer of the meninges is called the            .

A. gray matter

B. white matter

C. dura mater

D. arachnoid mater

E. pia mater

25. Epidural anesthesia is introduced to the epidural space between the               to block pain signals during pregnancy.

A. dural sheath and dura mater

B. dural sheath and vertebral bones

C. dura mater and arachnoid mater

D. arachnoid mater and pia mater

E. dura mater and pia mater

26. Voluntary motor impulses leave the spinal cord via the           of gray matter.

A. anterior horn

B. posterior horn

C. anterior column

D. posterior column

E. lateral horn


27. Cerebrospinal fluid fills the space between the           .

A. dural sheath and dura mater

B. dural sheath and vertebral bones

C. dura mater and arachnoid mater

D. arachnoid mater and pia mater

E. dura mater and pia mater

28. Which of the following structures is the richest in lipid content?

A. Gray matter

B. White matter

C. Arachnoid mater

D. Dura mater

E. Pia mater

29. Which of the following is contained within gray matter?

A. Glial cells, axons of motor neurons, and Schwann cells

B. Glial cells and myelinated fibers

C. Neurosomas, dendrites, and proximal parts of axons of neurons

D. The distal part of axons of lower order motor neurons

E. Glial cells only

30. Motor commands are carried by        from the brain along the spinal cord.

A. both anterior and posterior roots

B. ascending tracts

C. spinal nerves

D. cranial nerves

E. descending tracts

31. Second-order neurons synapse with third-order neurons in the         .

A. thalamus

B. dorsal root ganglion

C. spinal cord

D. cerebral cortex

E. medulla oblongata

32. Nerve fibers are insulated from one another by         .

A. perineurium

B. endoneurium

C. fascicles

D. epineurium

E. blood vessels

33. Eyes and ears are innervated by        fibers.

A. white

B. visceral

C. somatic

D. special

E. general

34. A ganglion is a             .

A. bundle of axons in the CNS

B. cluster of dendrites in either the CNS or the PNS

C. cluster of neurosomas in the PNS

D. bundle of axons in the PNS

E. cluster of neurosomas in the CNS

35. There are     pairs of spinal nerves.

A. 12

B. 24

C. 31

D. 35

E. 62

36. The connective tissue that surrounds a nerve fascicle is called the     .

A. myelin

B. perimysium

C. epineurium

D. endoneurium

E. perineurium

37. Which of the following is comprised of anterior rami from C5-T1?

A. Cervical plexus

B. Brachial plexus

C. Coccygeal plexus

D. Sacral plexus

E. Lumbar plexus

38. The anterior rami of the spinal nerves form nerve plexuses in all regions except the region.

A. thoracic

B. cervical

C. lumbar

D. sacral

39. The cervical plexus is the origin of the             nerve(s).

A. oculomotor

B. sciatic

C. musculocutaneous

D. radial

E. phrenic

40. Which of the following nerves originates in the lumbosacral plexus?

A. Axillary

B. Sciatic

C. Phrenic

D. Ilioinguinal

E. Obturator

41. A patient with no sensation in the left thumb would most likley have nerve damage of the

                spinal nerve.

A. T1

B. T5

C. C5

D. C6

E. L3

42. Which of the following is an ascending tract of the spinal cord?

A. Lateral tectospinal tract

B. Medial reticulospinal tract

C. Ventral corticospinal tract

D. Vestibulospinal tract

E. Gracile fasciculus

43. A mixed nerve consists of both          and        .

A. myelinated; unmyelinated fibers

B. glial cells; nerve cells

C. afferent; efferent fibers

D. interneurons; efferent neurons

E. spinal; cranial fibers

44. Which of the following branches of a spinal nerve has the neurosomas of only sensory neurons?

A. Posterior (dorsal) root

B. Anterior (ventral) root

C. Posteror ramus

D. Anterior ramus

E. Meningeal branch

45. The bundle of nerve roots that occupy the vertebral canal from L2 to S5 is called the                .

A. medullary cone

B. cauda equina

C. lubar enlargement

D. cervical enlargement

E. spinal cord

46. "Somatosensory" does not refer to sensory signals from       .

A. bones and muscles

B. joints

C. proprioceptors

D. the viscera

E. the skin

47. Neurosomas of the anterior root are located in the  .

A. gray matter

B. posterior root ganglion

C. white matter

D. anterior rootlets

E. anterior root ganglion

48. A      is a cordlike organ composed of numerous          .

A. nerve fiber; nerves

B. nerve fiber; axons

C. nerve; axons

D. nerve fiber; neurosomas

E. nerve; neurosomas

49. Which one of the following best describes the order of a somatic reflex?

A. Somatic receptor ? interneuron ? afferent nerve fiber ? efferent nerve fiber ? skeletal


B. Somatic receptor ? efferent nerve fiber ? interneuron ? afferent nerve fiber ? skeletal muscle

C. Somatic receptor ? afferent nerve fiber ? interneuron ? efferent nerve fiber ? skeletal muscle

D. Somatic receptor ? efferent nerve fiber ? afferent nerve fiber ? interneuron ? skeletal


E. Somatic receptor ? afferent nerve fiber ? interneuron ? efferent nerve fiber ? smooth


50. Which of the following groups of muscles has the most muscle spindles?

A. Muscles of the hand

B. Muscles of the back

C. Muscles of the thigh

D. Muscles of the middle-ear

E. Muscles of the torso

51. Which of the following is not a property of reflexes?

A. Reflex responses are very predictable.

B. Reflexes are responses to sensory inputs.

C. Reflexes are quick responses of the nervous system.

D. Reflexes are not voluntary.

E. Reflexes do not require a stimulus.

52. A nurse pricks your finger to type your blood. You flinch at the pain, pulling your hand back. This is called the                reflex.

A. painful

B. stretch

C. flexor (withdrawal)

D. tendon

E. crossed extension

53. Reflex arcs that only use two neurons are called        reflex arcs.

A. ipsilateral

B. contralateral

C. polysynaptic

D. monosynaptic

E. autonomic

54. The flexor (withdrawal) reflex employs a       , which maintains a sustained contraction.

A. parallel after-discharge circuit

B. diverging circuit

C. converging circuit

D. closed circuit

E. reverberating circuit

55. If a bee sting on the right thigh causes a quick involuntary reaction of the right arm, this would be an example of a(n)                reflex.

A. bilateral

B. intersegmental

C. withdrawal

D. crossed extensor

E. contralateral

56. The sensitivity of the muscle spindle is maintained by              .

A. a stretch reflex

B. alpha motor neurons

C. gamma motor neurons

D. anulospiral endings

E. secondary afferent (group II) fibers

57. The fibers that carry the action potentials that cause skeletal muscle to contract are .

A. gamma motor neurons

B. anulospiral endings

C. intrafusal fibers

D. extrafusal fibers

E. alpha motor neurons

58. You go to the movies after a long day and you begin to nod off as soon as the movie starts. Your headstarts to lower a little, but a reflex causes your head to rise. This is called the        reflex.

A. tendon

B. crossed extension

C. withdrawal

D. stretch (myotatic)

E. flexor (withdrawal)

59. In the patellar tendon reflex arc, the patellar ligament is stretched, which stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh. This reflex will cause the quadriceps femoris to             and the hamstrings to

 .A. contract; relax

B. contract; contrac t

C. relax; contract

D. relax; relax

60. A reflex in which the sensory input and motor output are on opposite sides of the spinal cord, is called a(n)

                reflex arc.

A. intersegmental

B. contralateral

C. ipsilateral

D. polysynaptic

E. monosynaptic

61. Which of the following is true regarding the tendon reflex?

A. It causes a muscle that is being stretched to contract.

B. It makes the contralateral motor neurons contract.

C. It makes the ipsilateral motor neurons relax.

D. It prevents overcontraction of a muscle.

E. It causes a tendon to contract.

62. Which reflex shows the least synaptic delay?

A. A polysynaptic reflex

B. The cross extension reflex

C. The withdrawal reflex

D. The flexor reflex

E. The tendon reflex

63. Tendon organs are   .

A. chemoreceptors

B. visceral receptors

C. proprioceptors

D. pain receptors

E. nociceptors

64. Which of the following is not a distal branch of the spinal nerve?

A. Anterior ramus

B. Posterior ramus

C. Posterior root

D. Meningeal branch

E. Communicating rami

True / False Questions

65. The spinal cord is vitally important in processing complex information. True   False

66. The anterior ramus in the thoracic region becomes an intercostal nerve. In other regions, the anterior ramus

form spinal plexuses. True   False

67. A typical reflex contains a sensory neuron attached directly to an effector.

True   False

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Test Banking - Chapter 13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Somatic Reflexes

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